An Empty Cup Doesn't Pour


I never knew how much I would have to give as a mom; I could’ve never imagined it before becoming one. I knew it wouldn’t always be easy, that there would be hard days. But I thought that I would be able to handle those hard days. They can’t be that bad. Some days though, I’m not so sure I can.

I don’t always want to be so giving or selfless. I don’t always feel like putting them first. Sometimes I just want to worry about me. To take a break from all the giving of myself and just give to myself instead.

This is why self care is so important especially as a mom. If you’re running on empty, there’s nothing to give. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Although it’s not always easy, your kids need you and they need what you give them.

You need to take care of yourself so you can take care of them. Find those things that fill you up inside and do them. Every day. Find what works for you, whether it’s waking up before them, during naptime, after they go to sleep… or locking them in the closet with some chocolate? Or locking yourself in with that chocolate? But make sure to carve out the hour or two to do what makes you – the girl inside the mom – happy. Because you need to be running on fuel, not fumes, in order to run your family.

We fight many things to make this time for ourselves. Outside forces such as house chores or kid interruptions. Inside forces like mom guilt or tiredness. Yes, mom guilt is a thing. Making your own things a priority in these hours makes you a better you. Which makes you a better mom.

And that is better for all involved.