Being You
I read a line today that hit me hard:
It takes more effort to go against the grain of who you are, than to simply be who you are.
How often do we tell ourselves that it’s harder to be true to who we are?
How often do we tell ourselves that it’s easier to just pretend – pretend not to care, pretend that it doesn’t matter, pretend that it doesn’t hurt, pretend that we didn’t want it?
How often do we deny ourselves what we truly want, because we say that it will take too much effort, that it won’t be worth it?
How much energy are you putting into that every day?
Telling yourself that this is the easier way, the way that hurts less.
How often are you ignoring who you truly are, and instead creating more of what you don’t want, just because it’s what feels easiest in the moment?
It’s often fear that is keeping us stuck in these same patterns.
Fear of the unknown.
Fear of potential discomfort.
Fear of rejection.
Because if we take down our walls first, if we face what we truly want and bare our heart for all the world to see – then it can feel like we have no protection.
Nothing to hide under.
It’s not known then, and our brain doesn’t like the unknown.
But just for a minute, I want you to imagine that life.
The one where you are exactly who you are.
What does that life look like? Feel like?
What do you feel like?
That you is waiting for you.
How do I know?
Because that’s what’s waiting for all of us.
That’s what life is for – growing.
It’s for learning who we are, and what we want.
It’s for learning to let go of instant gratification, and be in it for the long haul.
It’s for taking responsibility for yourself, your happiness.
It’s becoming who you truly are, because that’s who you are meant to be.
And when we are in this place, that’s when we have so much to give.
So much to give.
So let go of that fear.
Let go of the belief that it’s easier this way
It’s so much better being you.
Are you ready to figure out who you are and what makes you happy? Ready to see what’s been keeping you stuck and finally move past it? Email me and we’ll schedule a free call for you.