Three Thoughts For You

life coach

As I’m sure you’ve heard me say before, our thoughts are where it all starts. Everything that you are doing or not doing right now, is because of what you think about it. When I’m working with my clients, we are digging up the thoughts that are creating their current situation, and gaining awareness. Once we can see that motherhood is neutral, and we can choose what we want to think about it in order to create a different experience of it - that’s when it’s time to choose some new thoughts.

Thinking new thoughts isn’t always easy, especially when the thoughts we have now feel so true. When we’ve been thinking them for so long that they are ingrained in us. But little by little, we become aware of them and how we can choose. This is where all of your control is. We can work to change our husbands, our kids, our friends, our situations, and sometimes that works. But even better is to recognize that all we need to change is our thoughts, and that it’s something we have complete control over.

I thought of a few of my favorite thoughts that have changed how I show up as mom, and I want to share them with you.

1. I just get to be me. – this thought is so freeing. With my kids, with my husband, in the grocery store, at a park with friends; no matter what the situation is, I just get to be me. And I get to bring the best of me to whatever I’m doing. This doesn’t mean that I’m always happy and joyful. It means that I’m not trying to be anyone or anything other than who I am. It’s amazing.

2. Of course he’s acting like a three-year-old. This is what they do. – We all know how fun it is when our kids don’t listen to us. But what makes it worse is that we are thinking they shouldn’t be acting like this. Which causes us to feel frustration, maybe embarrassment if we are out somewhere, etc. So when I tell myself of course he’s doing this, this is what he SHOULD be doing, I’m able to approach the situation completely differently. I handle it with a lot more love and compassion, which of course leads to a completely different outcome, right?

3. I am not my thoughts. – this one has been instrumental in healing from my depression. In recognizing that just because I think something, doesn’t mean I have to believe it. just because a thought feels true, doesn’t mean I need to continue thinking it. knowing that we are separate from our thoughts gives so much peace, takes off so much judgement. There’s no more What kind of a person am I to be thinking something like this?! It’s simply a thought, coming through your brain. You can let it stick around, or you can just let it go. Just like that.

Finding new thoughts to think throughout your day is so much fun. (that’s a thought!) but really, jumping off of autopilot and beginning to think more deliberately? What do you think that will bring to your life? How will that change how you show up, how you feel? What impact will that have on your whole life?

You guys, it’s so much fun. And I promise, this is just the beginning.