I see you.

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I see you.

I know your pain.

The darkness is so heavy

You don’t know who you are

Where to turn

Or what to do.

You just want it to go away.

The last thing you want to do is to go through it again.

This pain that seems to rip your heart in two.


But come with me. Take my hand.

I’ll lead you through it.

You aren’t going it on your own.

You are safe with me.


I can see the other side.

I know the path through the darkness.

I can see the rocks, the roots that are waiting to trip you up.

I’ll gently guide you around them

So that you make it to the other side.

Because on the other side is a life

That is more beautiful than you ever imagined

One that feels like joy







Like your body can’t even contain this big of a feeling

Like your heart is overflowing

And you will be so grateful to the you

That allowed yourself to walk this path


There isn’t anything wrong with you

There isn’t.

You are beautiful.

You are whole

You are worthy.

You are enough.

It’s okay if you don’t believe those words just yet.

I believe them for you.

I’m there for you,

Until you are strong enough

To be there for you.

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