You’re here because you want to be happy again.

Right now, your life probably looks a little like this:

  • You wake up in the morning, and all you want to do is stick your head back under the covers and sleep til noon.

  • You told yourself last night that you’re going to be happier and more patient today, but those ambitions are already spread in smithereens on the floor right next to the spilt cereal.

  • You wish you had energy to play with your kids, but all you want is your couch and your phone. No extra energy here.

  • Your hubby comes home from work, and is met by a grumpy wife who wants a break from her life.

Sound familiar?

No, it’s not because I’m a mind reader (although, I may sometimes be that too;). I know this because I’ve lived it, and my clients have too.

You’re not alone in what you’re currently going through — the resentment, the jealousy, the feelings of inadequacy. I don’t care how sure you are that nobody’s ever felt this way, I promise you they have.

Not only that, but there’s a solution.

{Operation: Happy Mom}

This is my group coaching program where I take you from secretly wishing you never became a mom, to knowing this is exactly where you’re meant to be.

Inside OHM, you have access to:

  • Three foundational courses (so you know all the ins and outs of how to heal so you can feel like yourself and be happy again)

  • All bonus material and replays (there’s no stone left unturned in here)

  • Group coaching calls (so you can apply what you’re learning in real time)

  • Private Slack community (so you can enjoy all of the incredible moms and the support that you get by being in here)

  • Private podcast feed (for easy listening on the go - I know you’ve got a lot on your plate. And this is important work you’re doing. We make it work for your life.)

If you’ve been wondering why you can’t stick to what you said you wanted to do, and you’re tired of trying to hob-skotch-snibble your happiness together, then you gotta join us here.

It’s only $59/ month, or $600 when you sign up for the annual fee. That’s two whole months, for free. You can stick around for one month or ten (and we have a special bonus for you if you decide to stay with us past two years), but if you ever decide it isn’t the place for you, you can cancel anytime.

We’re revolutionizing a whole new way for believing moms of big families to go through their lives - one that has a lot more peace, joy, and love inside.

Don’t just take it from me though. I asked the girls inside OHM to describe it in one word, and here’s what they said:

Love. Love for yourself, love for others, and being loved by others.”

Self care. Taking the time to take care of myself, so I can take care of my family. Which also includes a lot of loving and not judging.”

Growth. Growing as a person, a wife, a mom. Learning how to recognize sabotaging thought patterns and rewrite the pattern.”

Acceptance. Acceptance of who I am and loving myself first. Acceptance of my lot in life and being content in the moment. Acceptance of the gifts God has given me and use them to make needed changes.”

It’s a pretty incredible place to be, and once you’re in and you feel it? You’ll know.