I have a fire in me.

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I have to say.

I have a fire in me that is burning bright.

It’s been simmering for a while.

I told my friends this past weekend to watch out. It’s coming out soon.

One of them promised she’d have the fire extinguisher ready.


What’s this fire in me you ask?

This fire is a fire for LIFE.

It’s a fire for what I believe in. What I’m willing to stand up for.

And what I stand up for, is you.

You who is struggling and is too overwhelmed to reach out for help.

You who sometimes wishes that you were dead and is just going through the motions.


There is room to hold space for this pain, but there isn’t room to hold space for the suffering.

There is too much goodness in life to keep letting that darkness take over so much of you.


This isn’t a game that I’m playing.

I’m not sitting here trying to convince you to give me your money so that I can run off to Jamaica. (Although that would be nice.)

The reason that I’m selling you coaching, is so you can feel better.

That life that you want?

Or feeling like you’re so full of life that you could just burst?

That’s what you get when you work with me.

I know there are those of you out there that are wondering if this is for you. You feel a pull, but you’re scared. You don’t know if it will work. You think life doesn’t work that way. That it sounds too good to be true.

You can keep those thoughts if you want, but I can tell you that they will keep getting you the same life that you have today.

Where you struggle with accepting babies. Where you’re jealous of other people’s lives.

Where you aren’t happy with where you’re living. Where you don’t just love and accept your husband’s family as your own.

Where you will always wonder if you should’ve done something different in your life. Maybe if you would’ve waited to get married it would be easier. Maybe if your kids weren’t so close together it’d be easier.

Whatever your story is about your life – it’s just that. A story.

Not truth.

Not fact.



And I love you too much to not give you this kick in the pants.


Everything that you’ve ever dreamed of, is on the other side of working with me.

Yes, it is possible to love your life as a mom of a big family.

Yes, it is possible to truly heal from PPD. Not by years of therapy, not with medication, not with hormone balancing – through working with a coach alone.


The changes that have happened in my past six months have blown any other changes out of the water. And know what the biggest shift has been? My relationship with myself.

(How does relationship with myself heal depression? Maybe your brain says: That can’t be true. That isn’t the real problem. The real problem is hormones and diet and exercise.)

I’m telling you – maybe they have an effect, and you can definitely do that work too.

But if that was the real problem, then wouldn’t we all be healed from our depression by now?


The deepest change happens when you heal your broken relationship with yourself.

When you decide to prioritize you.

When you decide to love you, even with this dark hole that’s inside of you.

When you decide that you are worth living for. That you are worth money. Time. Energy. Investment.

When you decide that your opinions matter.

When you ask yourself how you’re feeling, and you show yourself that you care.

When you ask yourself what you want, what you need, and then you get to work making it happen.

This is the kind of change that heals postpartum depression.

It’s available for me.

It’s available for you.

Let’s go.

Your life is waiting for you.