My Clients (Are The Best.)

life coach postpartum depression

My clients are the ones who are finally ready to bite the bullet.

To dig into these issues that keep coming up.

My clients are the ones that are ready to do the work.

They have fears, worries, wonder if this will be the thing.

If this will work for them.

But they decide to take a step that they haven’t taken before, even with those fears.

They are willing to bet on themselves, to believe in themselves.

They may not see the full pathway ahead of them, but they are ready to trust that they will get there.

They are ready to trust that image, no matter how faint, of a life where they feel better.

Where they feel how they want to feel.

My clients are willing to look at the thoughts in their head, and to view them with compassion.

They’re willing to feel the feelings that they have long pushed aside, resisted, avoided, reacted to.

Even if it’s just feeling it for a few seconds at a time, they’re willing to try something new.

They trust that they’re safe.

They see this as a foundation for the rest of their lives.

They see that even when it feels as though they’re going backwards, there is a point to the pain. They see that it’s not actually going backwards, but instead moving forwards.

Always forwards.

My clients are ready to let go of pity. Of blame. Of judgement.

Of themselves and of others.

My clients are ready to look at their actions with curiosity.

With love.

They’re ready to let go of everything that’s holding them back, so they can just be.

It’s a slowing down and re-centering.

It’s letting go of who they thought they’d be.

It’s facing the darkness that’s in all of us, and instead of fearing it – accepting it.

Loving even these parts of us.

And through this, they recognize that who they are is a million times brighter than who they thought they’d be.

Than they ever imagined they’d be.

Are you ready to see that in you?

It’s in each and every one of you.