The Story You Were Meant To Tell
/This is the story you were meant to tell.
For whatever reason, this is what your life was supposed to look like.
I may not know the reason; you may not know the reason – we may never know the reason why.
But if you needed a different story, your life would’ve gone a different way.
If you were meant to tell a happy and joyful story of marriage and motherhood, that’s how your life would’ve gone.
This is true for me, it’s true for my clients, and it’s true for each of you.
Allow the pain, the disappointment, the loss – it’s all a part of it, and it’s all welcome here.
Yes, we can do the work of retelling our story, but most of us try to rush past this part where it hurts. We tell ourselves that everything’s fine, we’re over it, it doesn’t hurt anymore, but the truth is in the pudding. (Is that the saying? I’ll blame this one on my mom if it isn’t – she’s always mixing up sayings and creating her own even better ones like Up a creek without a ladder.) (Sorry for throwing you under the bus, Mom.:)
When you try to push past it without addressing it, it just comes with you wherever you go. That’s why they say that you can’t outrun your problems – because you can’t.
Next week I’ll address how to actually allow the pain and be with the feelings, but for now I want you to just sit with the truth of this statement:
This is the story that you were meant to tell.
It wasn’t supposed to go any different, otherwise it would’ve.
Take a deep breath and breathe that in, and feel your shoulders relax.
There’s no rush anywhere other than here.
Learning how to sit with our stories and our emotions is a big part of what we do in the first month of the Be Happy Again course. Pushing past our hurts is one way to go through life, and it does work to some extent: it gets you moving forward, and still living your life. But there comes a point when you’re tired of doing that and the effect it has on your life; you get tired of dealing with the same problems over and over again and feeling like you’re getting nowhere. You know there’s something more waiting for you, and you’re ready to finally be living the life that you dream of.
If you’re at that point, I want to invite you to join us in Be Happy Again. Together, we’ll look at where you think your life went wrong and why. I’ll teach you how to sit with the pain of those emotions so that you can finally move through them. On the other side of those emotions is a stronger, more you you.
It’s who my clients are becoming, and it’s who you can become too.