Is this for me?
/You’re pregnant again. You don’t feel super excited to have this baby.
There’s the fear of losing this one, with also a little bit of the relief that you wouldn’t have to have another baby so close, followed quickly by the guilt.
There’s the fear of the dark cloud that seems to come after each baby is born.
On your bad days, you have literally zero patience to be with your kids – your temper sometimes feels embarrassingly out of control.
You have no motivation to get things done around the house, and when you do accomplish something it’s by forcing yourself to get through it.
You feel like roommates with your husband – he doesn’t understand you.
You don’t feel in control of your kids, of your life. You’re only one second away from complete disaster – if that grip you have on everything were to loosen even a millimeter, it would be disaster.
You feel isolated. You don’t even want to visit with others.
On your good days, you feel somewhat normal and are able to get the things done that need to be.
But still, some days all you want to do is fall asleep and never wake up.
This is where many of my clients are when they start working with me.
At the end of working with me, this is where my clients find themselves instead:
They feel sincerely happy.
They wake up in the morning with energy for the day.
More often than not, they’re happy that their kids are getting up too.
They know how to enjoy their day again – spend time going to the park with their kids, sit down and read them a book before bedtime, or take the time mid day for some snuggles on the couch.
They have the motivation to do daily tasks. They no longer have to drag their bones through all of the chores; they want to get them done.
They are more open with their husband, with friends, with themselves.
They are more aware of how they’re feeling and what to do with it.
They feel full of life again.
It isn’t magic – although there is some magic in it – but to put it simply, I help them find the reason they aren’t doing the things they want to be doing, and teach them how to create the feelings needed to do them instead.
There is zero shame in being where you are, but I also want you to know that you don’t need to keep struggling this way.
Be Happy Again starts on January 12, 2022 and there’s room for you.
I’ll see you there.