Where Are My Toes?


I have reached that point. I am so done being pregnant. I want to easily reach down and touch my toes. To even look down and see my toes. I am tired of having this big round belly getting in my way everywhere I go. It takes an extra oomph! To stand up and get going anywhere. My due date is one week away, but those seven days feel like seven years.

I have checked all the to dos off the ‘before baby is born’ list, the ones that I actually wanted to get done anyway! I don’t want to do any other things, fun or not, while I’m waiting for this baby. I am just ready to start labor, to be done with labor, and to be laying in bed with baby snuggled close on my chest. To feel his heart beating rhythmically against mine, to feel his tiny fingers wrap around one of mine. To breathe in his smell and hear that soft and so helpless newborn cry. My heart aches for this moment.

I feel as though I will be pregnant for the rest of my life, that this baby will never be born. I will be known world wide as The Woman Who Never Gave Birth or The Permanently Pregnant Lady. My baby will just continue to live inside of me, happy and content with no need to come out and see the rest of the world.

I know this isn’t physically possible, that baby will come sooner or later.

But can’t it be sooner?
