Two Competing Voices

life coach postpartum depression

Have you ever noticed how you seem to have two competing voices in your brain?

One tends to want to choose the easier route, the route that is familiar.
This voice feels heavier, like giving up or giving in.
Like you aren’t choosing the one that you actually want- but it’s the easiest choice so you just go with it.

The other voice is the more reasonable one – the one that is more you.
But it also tends to feel like the harder choice, the one that requires more work. More effort.
It has less guarantee of how it will work out.

This is how the human brain works. There are two parts that are concerned with different things.

One part is called the primitive brain. It’s wired to seek pleasure, avoid pain, and conserve energy. It’s concerned with what pain you are experiencing now, and how to make it easier. It’s favorite is instant gratification.

The other part is the prefrontal cortex. This is the part of us that can see long term. It knows where we ultimately want to go and why. It is willing to be uncomfortable now in order to gain the long term fulfillment.

There tends to be a lot of anxious, anticipation, nervous, hopeful type of feelings that come with this voice, because your primitive brain isn’t too sure if it can trust the prefrontal cortex.

How often are you dismissing this second voice because the easier voice wins out?
The first one feels safer, perhaps truer, but it’s also creating the exact life that you are living today.
The one where you keep getting stuck in these same patterns. Struggling with these same feelings of depression, anger, and guilt.

I want you to get clear on what each voice sounds like in your head.
Notice how each voice feels. Are these thoughts and feelings going to create the healing in your life that you want?
Also ask yourself – which voice allows me to be more of the mom that I want to be?

In our work together, my clients get clear on which voice is serving them and how to choose that voice more often.
It’s in changing the little moments each day that add up to create the life that you want to live.
There’s nothing wrong with you, and you aren’t weak for continuing to give into the voice that is easiest.
It’s simply a skill that you need to learn.

This is one part that we are going to dive into next week during the five-day course. Make sure you’re signed up – you can join us here.