Yes, But How?

life coach postpartum depression

We want to know how. Before we start a project, before we begin a new journey, before we do anything in our life, we want to know how.

With the internet, we have so much information that it’s coming out of our ears. We have enough hows to get us from here to Timbuktu and back again.

And yet still, how many have actually created the business that they wanted?

How many of us have actually created the change that we want to see in our lives?

Because the truth is, you won’t know how until after you’ve done it.

It’s so easy to consume information – to read all the books, listen to all the podcasts, and watch all of the free trainings.

But if this is all that it took, then everyone would be feeling better and living the life of their dreams, right?

It takes failing and trying again. Not just pretty sounding failure – but failure where you literally want to quit. Where all that sounds good in the moment is a big tub of ice cream and the couch, with another good book to read.

But most of all, what will get you from here to there – is belief.



It’s going inward, to that place in the center of your chest. Touching your fingers to your sternum, and feeling that connection to you. It’s breathing deep, filling that area with breath, and letting it out.

It’s knowing that you aren’t alone in this journey – that God is with you through it all too. He brought you this far, and He won’t leave you now.

It’s belief that you will get there, that you are getting there – even on the days that you feel like you’re back at square one. Even on the days that all you want to do is curl up in a ball and cry.

There is a purpose in each and every turn of your life. Not so that you need to go and find a deep meaning in every second of every day – but just that you can lean into and trust that it’s going exactly as it should.

Because when we can trust that it is working, that you are healing, and that you are becoming who you want to be – you don’t give up. You hold onto that faith, no matter how thin it might be. You keep going, even when it doesn’t look how you thought it would.

You keep taking that next step that’s in front of you, no matter how small it might be.

Next Friday, I’ll have a post on what it actually looks like to try and fail, and how to know if it’s working. Stay tuned.